Is ‘Iron Byron (the infamous club testing machine) capable of ‘A Perfect Repeating Golf Swing’? Perhaps momentarily or occasionally? Perhaps not? The ‘Human Golfing Machine’ might flirt with perfection, but it is very likely to be a matter of the swinger’s personal opinion. Really big smiles are perfect in their intimate moments! Close counts in golf! (see ‘The 5/10/15 Foot Circles’) Aim Tight and score small? (see ‘The 8 Step Putting & Chipping PSR’)
How might we strive for quality and repeatability on demand? A pretty good and realistic goal?
Your ‘555 Team’ establishes a ‘Fork In The Road’ you might consider. Remember ‘Simplicity Solves Complexity. We need to dedicate to this purified ‘Life-Long Golf Environment’. If the’555 System’ were a jig-saw puzzle, there would necessarily be pieces and places. The following ten pieces are pertinent and present in every single golf swing world-wide. Thus, this next few moments might put you on a good path. Look at it as your ‘Fork In The Road’. The following will only set the stage and not get into much detail. We can provide amply guidance and tutelage if and when needed.
The 5 SET-UPS are ‘Posture, Grip, Stance, Ball Location and Alignment’.
The 5 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS are ‘Clubface Aim at the Moment Of Separation, Clubhead Path, Clubhead Speed, Sweet Spot and Angle Of Attack’.
The 5 CONTROLS are the frosting on the cake! They can become the rudder of your lifeboat. These ‘Controls’ are the boiling down of the above ten items. They are ‘Chin, Hands, Feet, Ball and Pin’. Say them in your head! Get these building blocks operational by blending them into your ‘Pre-Shot Routine’ (PSR). You shall be blessed and rewarded.
You want to get into more detail? You ‘555 Team’ knows the trail through ‘Golf Wilderness’!
‘Simplicity Solves Complexity’!