We just completed a really effective ‘Wind or Negative Weather Clinic’ … a real Texas working clinic! Why do I write “Real”? Because we started with our traditional, dedicated ‘Down & Back Putting Drill’ combined with Square, Circle and Spiral Drills. We hit some ‘Optimal Stroke Length Drills’ (OSL) as well. This green grass procedure moves the ball about 58 to 62 feet.
The actual driving range wind conditions started at ‘Quartering Head Wind’ and shifted to a direct ‘Slice Cross Wind’ steady at 25 MPH with gusts to 35 MPH … the real thing! When I say “Slice Cross Wind” that means the wind was blowing the ball in a ‘Slice Direction or Curvature’.
We had several wonderful students who could NOT turn the ball over ‘Hooking Into The “Slice Wind’. “So Now What?” Practical methodology! Making real working shots happen!
We have a drill flavour that is called ‘Feeding The Wind’. A ‘Hook Side Spin or Curvature skill is required to counter the Slice Cross Wind. These students were proudly having fun grinding it out! They were quite skill-set and comfortable hitting the ball straight out into the driving range … simulated calm or windless in the ‘Middle Of The Fairway’. Great test bed! The drift or sideways movement towards the ‘Slice Bush’ was working as expected.
“So Now What?” Our simple FIX is to ‘Feed The Wind’! If the wind were to be carrying the ball in its ‘Moving Slice Behaviour’ about 30 to 40 yards, ALIGN to the original Hook Side 30 to 40 yards and hit it straight at that adjusted target! The ‘Slice Cross Wind’ is no longer your enemy. Your ball simply moves to center fairway … wonderfully ‘In Play’!
Learn how to enjoy ‘Feeding The Wind’. It is a really effective tool for any Cross Wind!
We fixed the original ‘Slice Wind Challenge’ and can work on hitting ‘Draw Hooks’ later!
Work Smart Logically?