Golf Myth Book D
The Golf Myth Collection Book D

Perfect Your Swing - Physics & Mechanics
This is a comprehensive guide to the physics and mechanics of golf. It’s written in an easy-to-understand format that anyone can understand, even if you don’t know anything about golf.
This book will help you improve your game by teaching you how to swing with perfect form, balance, and power every time. Whether you play for fun or professionally, this book will give you an edge over everyone else on the course!
Price: $11.99 This 200+ page ebook is available for instant access.
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Perfect Your Swing - Basic Procedures
The Perfect Swing is a Lie!
There are many golf myths that have been passed down from generation to generation. Most of them are just old wives’ tales, but a few of them actually hold some truth. One such myth is the idea that you can achieve the perfect swing through practice alone. This isn’t true and only leads to frustration and failure when you try to force your body into an unnatural movement pattern. Only “Perfect Practice Makes Permanent!”
Price: $11.99 This 200+ page ebook is available for instant access.
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Special Putting Procedures
Have you ever felt like your putting was off?
If so, this is the book for you. The Golf Myth Collection will teach you how to putt and chip with confidence and consistency every time. We’ll show you how to take your game from good to great by using a simple 8-step process that works on any surface or green condition. It’s easy and you shall earn the ability in just minutes per day!
Price: $11.99 This 200+ page ebook is available for instant access.
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Complete Golf Myth Collection

Purchase the Complete Golf Myth Collection for $49.99 and receive the entire 19 volume set. That includes Books A, B, C, D, E, and F.
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