What Is The 555 Golf System?
There is a very big difference between a ‘System’ and separated or poorly connected segments, little snippets of applied knowledge. This is especially true about your golf knowledge, skills and experience.
Your ‘Golf Game’, in order to make you happy, must provide a broadly practical knowledge that speaks calmly to you under fire … when you need certainty the most! In this logical but unique and rare ‘Systematic Manner’ shall you become successful at this most worthy endeavor which we actually call a ‘Sport’. It is more often a compulsion that can drive you to never before known frustration. How many lesson have you taken that did not work for you? We deal effectively with both the ‘Mental & Mechanical’. This is a new paradigm!
Your ‘555 Team’ would like to think that we can deal with any ‘Unit – Component or Procedure’ directly with a clear perspective and connection, a relevancy to YOUR ‘Whole Swing and Game’. It is our goal to help YOU ‘Solve Complexity With Simplicity’ as we have done for decades. It is our proven position that we can help you solve your own simple problems ‘On The Fly’ … even while playing a round.
‘Golf’ is clearly a ‘Journey’ with no fixed ‘Destination’. Our goals and aspirations, like the universe, never cease to expand or change. Why is this ‘Flexibility’ a reality? Because we are each one of us separate and rare individuals with wondrous ‘Differences’. There is ‘No One Way To Swing A Golf Club and Hit The Little White Ball’. That is precisely why the so prominent ‘Golf My Way Cookie Cutter Approach’ is so fallible and capricious.
For every one of us to recognize and understand a ‘Single Unit Problem’, we must grasp the ‘Big Picture’. To accomplish this, we absolutely required a flexible ‘System’ for your ultimate benefit. That is what we have and are creating every day.
Golf traverses from ‘A to Z’. To take that walk successfully, crossing chasms and all nature of hazards, we must be equipped with a ‘Whole Understanding’. In this manner ONLY can we develop a trusted ‘Process’ that leads us to our desired ‘Outcomes’ … ‘Fairways, Greens & Putts’! ‘Predictable Pleasure’!
To prepare for every single strike of the ball, we are well served knowing what ‘The 5 Set-Ups’ and ‘The 5 Essential Elements’ are. When you support these knowns with a professionally designed ‘Pre Shot Routine’ (‘PSR’), you shall soon have an opportunity to ‘Predetermine Your Process and Outcomes’.
Is this ‘555 System’ a ‘Holy Grail of Golf’? You have taken the first steps to discover the truth and reality for yourself! We shall soon define this ‘Journey’ on but a few condensed pages. If you come at ‘The 555 Team’ with any question, we always have simple answers that will work for YOU!
Complete Golf Myth Collection

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