Using pertinent and the best data gives you ‘The Edge’ with relatively predictable ease! What is it worth to absolutely know the ‘Break Of A Putt’? Are you a shrewd ‘Green Reader’? Do you know and rely on ‘The 8 Step Putting & Chipping Pre-Shot Routine’? (PSR) Can you ‘Inch & Body Clock’?
How many bytes of data does one realistically gather to make an efficient golf shot? Wow! A small boat-load for sure! Discipline and Check-Listing are really important! What are ‘The 5 Set-Ups’?
How do we gather golf data? Methodically and Systematically! Flitting about like a bee from flower to flower, willey nilley, will not accomplish your reasonable goals … having fun by playing to your potential! Have you been improving over the past year? Why?
All our acute senses must be ‘On-Line’ serving our collective needs for every procedure.
An example? This ‘Country Gentleman Golf Teacher’ never takes a shot without a ‘Precise Quarter-sized Target’ and knowing how far the ball needs to ‘Carry’ so as to ‘Roll-Out’ as required. ‘Distance and Direction’ are great servants! What if you guess at your yardage and are off by 10 yards? So much for your ‘5/10/15 Foot Approach Game Circles’! Good luck in your ‘Short Game’ (12” Landing Circle’) and finding the bottom of the cup in 2 or less strokes! Can you feel those big numbers growing? ‘Get Lucky’ is good but quite unreliable!
Do you ‘Quadrant Your Greens’ so you always putt uphill from the ideal spot?
‘Ocular Acuity’ holds the keys to your golf kingdom! Why do we play golf during the daylight hours? The bottom line? So, we can gather pertinent ocular data!
A closing question … Do you always use your ‘Professionally Designed Pre-Shot Routine’? It is your ‘Golf Insurance Policy’. It is a shame to waste that opportunity! Do you know what your ‘PSR’ also provides? Relief from ‘Mental Pressure & Stress’. Fear is a horrible component or element in any golf procedure. Always do what you can to relax before a golf strike! (see ‘Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing’)
By just following a solid and trusted routine, you shall be rewarded in every shot!
Lower scores are a good thing!