Do you know that you can ‘Sway & Slide’ with successful mechanics? You can perform this ‘Body Line Movement’ with efficient delivery of the ‘Center Of Mass’ or ‘Sweet Spot’ if your ‘Timing’, ‘Clubface Aim’ and ‘Clubhead Path’ are properly managed?
Every golfer has personal and optimal mechanics. He or she must study, explore and discover! Then this ‘Component & Procedural Ballet’ must be refined so as to be repeatable on demand.
We had a golf store client who used our ‘Putting Studio’ several times a week. He usually entrapped someone into betting a couple of bucks and was a formidable competitor. I refused to entertain him at my expense! Of note, he did not utilize the standard ‘Rocking Chair Shoulders Engine’ but used a ‘Lateral Hip Motion’ instead. There were no ‘Flippy Wrist Hinges’! If his ‘Read & Alignment were correct, he found the cup! His big muscle groups were very consistent!
A key weakness in this ‘Lateral Fill-Swing Action’ or motion is that most golfers cause a ‘Net Ball Location Problem or Shift’ which degrades the shot outcome. An ‘Aft Sway’ produces a ‘Net Ball Forward’ change of location. The mirror image is true about the ‘Forward Slide’ … Ball Moves Aft. One must adjust to optimize this ‘Ball Location’.
Invest in your understanding of our ‘5 Set-Ups’ (Posture, Grip, Stance, Ball Location & Alignment) and ‘5 Essential Elements’ (Clubface Aim, Clubhead Path, Clubhead Speed, Sweet Spot & Angle Of Attack). The first step to happiness is accurate, science-based ‘Knowledge’!
There are a lot of cooperative individual relationship items in a golf swing!
To a degree, you can and must be your own person!