A key to solid ball striking is solidly reaching ‘Bottom Of Swing Arc’ (BOSA) It is a serious challenge for any and all golfers! One has to precisely match the ‘Ballistic Point Of The Ball’ (Bottom Inside Cheek – BIC) and the ‘Sweet Spot’ (‘Center Of Mass or Moment Of Inertia’) in order to accomplish efficient ‘Energy Transfer’ from clubhead to ball. (see ‘Consistent Eye Hand Coordination and Cooperation – Athletic Prowess’)
Ingredients for ‘Solid Impact’ are ‘Posture’ (Chin & Chest Tallish), ‘Lever Assembly Extension’ (hands pushed away from our ‘Sternal Core’), ‘Knee Flex’, ‘Forward Inclination’ and ‘Aft Tilt’.
(see ‘The 5 Set-Ups [Posture, Grip, Stance Ball Location & Alignment’] and The 5 Essential Elements’ [Clubface Aim at the Moment Of Separation, Clubhead Path, Clubhead Speed, Sweet Spot & Angle Of Attack’)
If we trigger our ‘Take-Away’ with the ‘Lever Assemblies’ (Clubhead Sole) resting on the grass, our initial, ‘Sweeping Move’ will very likely demand a ‘Lifting Action’. Your 555 Team refers to this as a ‘PUITA’ or ‘Pick-Up Inside Take-Away’. Weak occasion for any golfer!
This self-induced move is not a net benefit for you! It shortens your ‘Lever Length’. If you do not ‘Measure To The Ball’, you shall more often than not discover the true meaning of ‘Fat & Thin’, often with some ‘Heel & Toe’. These four conditions are chronic ‘Golf Demons’! They add painfully to what your 555 Team refers to as ‘The Frustration Quotient’! Too much of that causes a nice bag full of clubs to get tossed into a dark garage corner enroute to Craig’s List?