Perhaps the first consideration is “What Is A Chili Dipper?” See if these basic comments work for you? The ‘Clubhead’ can actually pass totally under the ball. (see ‘Fanning The Ball’)
What are the 5 Impact points or strike configurations? You know them! Hitting the ball 1) Fat, 2) Thin, 3) Heel, 4) Toe and 5) Pure or on the ‘Sweet Spot’! (C/F Center Of Mass on the Ball’s Ballistic Point) Allow me to tell you this right up front please? Is a ‘Chili-Dipper’ one of these 5 Impacts? “YES!” The clubhead’s trip past the ‘Bottom Of Swing Arc’ (BOSA) is perhaps very ‘Fat’, such that the clubhead strikes the ball quite towards the ‘Top Of The Face’. (see ‘High On The Face’) Weak working place!
Extreme ‘Chili-Dippers’ may actually just pop straight up off the ‘Top Edge’ (opposite to the ‘Bottom or Leading Edge’) and go nowhere like a very ‘Popped Up Driver’! Pretty embarrassing? Think about teeing up your ball about 3 inches and ripping it out of there with your #SW (56 degrees of ‘Loft’ and about 15 degrees of ‘Bounce’.) or any of your ‘Short Irons’. You do not have to dig a trough or garden furrow … take no divot if you choose! A 3 inch high tee plus a 2 inch Fat strike, accomplishes but one outcome … 5” Fat and the ball is only 1.5” in diameter! Take a two inch deep divot and you shall make impact very high on the face or not at all … a ‘Whiff’ … Another name for a ‘Chili-Dip’!
How might we fix this unstable or variable golf demon?
Learn how to properly ‘Set-Up’ ‘Chin-Tallish’ (Knees Flexed – Spinal Inclination) and ‘Lever Assemblies Extended’ or long-ish! In this manner one can just ‘Pinch The Ball’ out of the grass or off of its low pegged perch! You will properly take a perfect divot ‘In Front Of The Ball’. You shall earn good results and be happy and proud! (see ‘Top Of The Tether Ball Pole Concept’)
Do ‘Players or Pros’ tee up their ‘First Strike On A Hole’. “Yes!” to provide ‘Ball Location and Path Consistency’. How many don’t? Only the foolish or cavalier!
In passing, the #SW, with its ‘Bounce’, helps prevent the ‘Leading Edge’s Digging In’ while making a strong lofted ‘Pitch Shot’. A thought for you? How much ‘Bounce’ on a #AW, #PW or even a #9 Iron? Answer is ‘Very Little’. You ponder the “Why?” for yourself!