
As Good As Fitness Feels

‘Food Does Not Taste As Good As Fitness Feels!’

If you were to unexpectedly come up against a wellness collapse, a serious day by day health compromise with a bleak outlook, something that you could have corrected in years past, would you turn the clock back and erase the lazy tragic reality? Rhetorical!

If you want to add good, healthy years to your life, right now, make a commitment to walk at least 30 minutes a day. Might I mention that ‘Golf’ does that as naturally as life could prefer! Movement and exercise are key factors in healing from cancer and many maladies, including ‘Total Hip Replacement’, my cross to bear! Golf is a premium lifelong leisure skill! When I was healing, I progressively walked every day, whether it was nice or nasty. The discipline felt good!

I visualized my healing as I walked, repeated a healthy ‘Mantra’ (Every Day In Every Way I am Getting Better & Better!) applied deep breathing (DDB) for at least 10 minutes in through my nose and out through my mouth, holding my breath for 5 seconds each cycle. Generous O2 intake really helps every cell in our always-healing body. There are always places to hike! 

When you eat a conservative or liberal meal, ‘Walk It Off’. Just 30 brisk minutes fully activates the lymphatic system, triggers the anti-aging process, turns on DNA repair, increases circulation and mobility, improves sleep, and lifts your mood by giving you the same endorphin release as high-intensity exercise without the strain to the body. Masochism is stupid?

If you are looking for weight loss and a little more muscle tone and mass, you can step up your ‘Golf Game’ and walk vs. riding around in a power cart! Carry your bag on alternating shoulders for muscular symmetry! This walking the course tones muscles and activates the fat-burning enzymes. I personally know people who have lost up to 40 pounds just by walking an hour a day, while balancing ‘Fuel In-Take and Burn’. Calorie balance matters! Do not Beat Yourself Up in any ‘Fitness Drama’! Walking does not require any ‘Recovery Time’!

Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.
award winning golf academy McKinney Texas

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Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.

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Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.


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award winning golf academy McKinney Texas

Calibrated Average Distance

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award winning golf academy McKinney Texas

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Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.

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Complete Golf Myth Collection


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