We all have activities that “Tend To Repeat”. (see ‘Patterns & Routines’)
While involved in practice or play, be aware of your ‘Tendencies’ or trends. Weak shots (Golf Errors) happen for a reason. Thus, they will tend to repeat themselves. How many golfers ‘Tend To Hit Leaky Fades or Slices’? That trend is quickly fixable!
If you can detect a ‘Trend’ you can ‘Fix It On The Fly’ … make a small but distinct change to redirect your tendency right away. Your adjustments will usually fall in to the ‘5 Set-Up Categories’ … Posture, Grip, Stance, Ball Location & Alignment. Always keep your ‘5 Essential Elements’ in mind … Clubface Aim, Clubhead Path, Clubhead Speed, Sweet Spot & Angle Of Attack.
“I Am Tending To Pull My Last Few Shots” might be an honest observation.
A little ‘Tongue In Cheek’, the opposite and ‘Fix To A Pull’ might be to deliver a little ‘Push’. (see ‘Down Out Forward & Through’ – DOFT)
Worth mention! A ‘Push is an Inside-Out Clubhead Path’. The optimal golf swing is what your ‘555 Team’ refers to as a ‘Down & Out Swing’. It strikes the ‘Bottom Inside Cheek’ (BIC). When your ‘Clubhead Travels Down The Inclined Plane’ its energy directed line is ‘Down & Out’ in a ‘Push & Pinch Basic Stroke Pattern’. (There is ‘No Up In The Golf Swing – Upward Moment prior to Impact & Separation’. Your proper divot happens ‘In Front Of The Ball’. Strive to make that happen! Feel The Down-ness!
Little observations and notions often matter!