Think of ourselves as a ‘Golfing Mechanism’ with ‘Components & Procedures’ … a lot of Musculo – Skeletal parts as well as a furtive ‘Mind Machine’.
If these ‘Components & Procedures’ are loose or ‘In Relaxation’ (Passivity), they shall tend to have a considerable amount of ‘Variation’. In Golf, ‘Variables’ are a negative element. We must strive for ‘Consistency’ … ‘Stability’.
If one looks at a simple machine, one will usually see a conglomeration of cables, pulleys and the resulting levers. The more loosely related, the less controlling they become. A feel you might strive to accomplish is ‘Skipping Stones On A Pond’. (Think #3 Pressure Point)
Embrace ‘The 13 Golfing Machine Primary Articulating Joints’. (PAJ) How loose are these?
If one becomes or allows, for example, the ‘Wrist Hinges’ to get ‘Flippy or Unstable’, the ‘Ball Flight Outcomes’ will be less predictable than one might really enjoy and appreciate! ‘Flippy is Loose’ with deficient tension. That is why your ‘555 Team’ is so promotional of ‘Quiet Triangles’. They are ‘Stable, Predictable Componentry’! Lever Extension adds useful ‘Tension’. Is a ‘Wrist Break’ (‘The Multi-Plane Swing’) ultimately useful to the ‘Golf Swing’? (see ‘Index Fix’ vs. ‘Address Ready’)
Golf really appreciates and rewards ‘Stable, Predictable Components & Procedures’.
Less Moving Parts
Becomes The Boss Of The Moss
Swing Simply and Move Balls From A To B
Enjoy Any Simplicity You Own!