One cannot replicate a really solid ‘Golf Strike’ unless and until one knows ‘Why?’ it happened in the first place!
‘How?’ … by learning and utilizing, the proven and very globally trusted ‘555 Golf System’. Repetition demands ‘Check-Listing’! Our airline discipline is perfectly suited to ‘Golf’!
‘A Suggestion?’ … practise your ‘Push Basic Putting and Chipping Procedure’ every time you frequent a golf property. You know ‘The Down & Back Drill’, right? If there is any lingering doubt, ‘JustAskUs!’ You know how to seek our ‘555 Team’ trusted support in the heat of battle!
Do you know and grasp ‘The 8 Step Putting & Chipping Pre-Shot Routine’? It is ‘Short Game Magic’ that lowers your scores!
Really a good idea!