

Let the ‘555 Golf Academy Programme’ reduce or even eliminate the potential stress of learning to ‘Master Golf Basics’ (MGB). It has a reputation of being extremely difficult. Unearned! It is an ‘Eye Hand Coordination’ activity that deserves focused ocular attention. Have you ever threaded a sewing needle? So, you know what I mean?

Why do we play golf in the daytime? The answer to this question will clarify some method in our madness! If we are not looking acutely at the ‘Impact or Ballistic Point Of The Ball’ (see ‘Bottom Inside Cheek’ – BIC) our likelihood of making successful contact is profoundly diminished! One will soon discover our meaning of the ‘Frustration Quotient’.

Dr. Karl and his ‘555 Team’ have the knowledge, experience and patience to deliver the best teaching methods, drills, tips, editorials, videos and ‘24/7 Live Support’ needed to discover your enormous free-wheeling potential.

We are of the opinion that there is ‘Free-Will’ in gaining all we can from ‘The Great Game’!

Regardless of your student skill-level, we deliberately ‘Focus On Fundamentals’ (FOF). If we nip issues in the bud, we shall avoid chronic problems that so often plague golf. Our human pace for learning is so efficient we must not attempt to go this ‘Golf Journey’ alone! Purgatory lurks!

‘Confidence, Comfort and Consistency’ are a good recipe along a trail of happiness for YOU and your golfing buddies.

We are here because we have been where you are. We know what works and what doesn’t! The process of discovery has not been without its pain threshold! Golf apathy punishes!

Along with world-class training (including equipment knowledge) we provide you with a lifetime of proven resources and support.

We know the ‘555 Academy’ is the perfect, short and long-term solution that will open the door to your satisfaction. Just ask our students. Their ‘Testimonials’ are profound! Truth is exposed! In golf, ‘Simplicity Solves Complexity’!

Do we have proven and respected desires? Have we invested in the right to teach you? How about over 40 years of study, test, prove, define and deliver?

How about 8,000 to 10,000 ‘Proven Professional Pages’ including over 50 highly respected e- Books and thousands of very-popular, twice-weekly, client-generated ‘555 Golf Newsletters’? Work ethic and dedication is not in question!

Do you know that we have created a substantial literary work called ‘The GOLF MYTH COLLECTION … an encyclopedia’. It is a proud legacy accomplishment totaling 6 Books in 19 Volumes, with 4700 pages and over 1000 studio grade pictures. You deserve an affordable look!

Our ‘555 Team’ has delivered over 100,000 problem solving golf lessons in multiple countries to all levels of golfer from beginner to Touring Professional. Our clients have taught us a great deal! Thank you!

Typically, when a golf instructor sends a student on his way, he often does not want to hear about problems that develop. Often the instructor gets an hour to work some magic! That is a very limited amount of time! Problems can be challenging! We are the complete opposite. We want to hear from you without delay. In this manner we can be an integral part of the ‘Real Time Solution’. Golf is not all that complicated, but the human component is quite ‘Complex’.

Golf is indeed a ‘Life-Long Leisure Skill’ and that is no accident! Bet you agree?

It is one of our goals to help you manage ‘On Course Challenges’. We want you to ‘Fix Your Playing Problems On The Fly!’ When you make a mistake, you should be able to quickly get over it. The only way that can become a reality is based on science and not ‘Get Lucky Golf’!

What is our mutual goal with YOU?

To learn the method and thus to make your golf life better knowingly and predictably! With ‘Desire, Honesty and An Open Mind’, we have explored and know the way! Only ‘The Best Of The Best!” become ‘555 Golf Certified Teaching Professionals’. (CTP) or one of our higher degrees. We are serious about teaching ‘The 555 Golf Method’. The amazing system supports itself!

Golfers who receive Dr. Fischer’s (CIMTP) seal of approval and ability to play and teach better, with more passion, are loyal, hard-working, dedicated, ambitious and personable. They care about YOU! We desire to share our reverent blessings and gratitude.

We should all strive to realize our fuller golf potential! We may deserve it but we must earn that growth. Not a laxidazical dream! It is not capricious! “If we only worked as hard at our swings as we wished for them, we would be a resounding success!” Set your course and trim your sails! Work your tiller as required!

How can we help YOU?

Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.
award winning golf academy McKinney Texas

Target Hand Low

You have heard of ‘Left Hand Low’ and know it is a ‘Grip Description’ for primarily ‘The Flat Stick or Putter’ and occasionally for the ‘Chipping...
Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.

The Inquisitive Student

“The Inquisitive Student Is A Teacher’s Blessing!” … why we continue to do what we do … invest in the hacker’s pursuit of excellence! These special...
Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.


Unloaded Target Wrist Hinge Think about our ‘Pre-Shot Routine’ tasking of ‘Pres-Pres’. This is also called ‘Impact Fix’ which is a ‘Primary Task’...

Clinics & Schools

Just had an ‘AskUs’ e-Mail from a ‘555 Golf Round Table Member’. Great to be globally connected! Thank you for that privilege! She asked what was...
all putts are dead straight

Where Are You Looking

HIT THE BALL WHERE YOU ARE LOOKING Under Precise Control Use precisely measured and defined ‘Targets’ (see ‘Ballistic, Intermediate and Far’ -...
award winning golf academy McKinney Texas

Calibrated Average Distance

One must know how far his or her ball actually ‘Flies or Carries’ in order to have the ability to ‘Manager The Game’, out there, for real using a...
award winning golf academy McKinney Texas

Ball Flight Control

Let us see if we can shed some intelligent and logical light on this titled subject. Ball Flight is simply about ‘Compression and Line Of...

Thought Stimulation

A high-backed chair at the ‘555 Academy Round Table’ affords opportunity, accomplishment and entertainment. The following is a simple list of...
Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.

Alternative to Ground Sticks

Couple of early thoughts? Do not practise without a ‘Ground Stick’ to indicate ‘Target Line or Initial Ball Flight Line’. This simple device helps...

Baseline Thoughts

‘Mastering Golf Basics’ never goes ‘Out Of Fashion’. This very important ‘Putting & Chipping Stage One Procedure’ (No Wrist Cock and No Pivot)...

Complete Golf Myth Collection


Purchase the Complete Golf Myth Collection for $49.99 and receive the entire 19 volume set. That includes Books A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Instant download access.

Special Offer

A ‘GOLF MYTH COMPLETE COLLECTION – Proof Of Purchase’ will earn the customer a 30% discount off the ‘Published Bench Rate’ for one ‘Personal Lesson’ without any time restriction.
Makes the ‘Complete Collection’ FREE!
Offer is not transferable!