Before we can ‘Putt, Chip and Bump & Run’ effectively, trustingly, we must be able to evaluate and compose a ‘Mental Picture’, to be knowingly functional.
You know that the ‘555 Team’ lives by ‘The Progressive Method’. We are fully aware of our ‘5 Essential Elements’. This enables our mantra of ‘Driving The Way We Putt’. It enables our saying the ‘First 8 to 12 Inches of My Take-Away Drive Are As I Putt’. Start your ‘Ball Flight out towards your ‘Intermediate and Far Targets’. Then add some seasoning known as ‘Curvature’! (X Axis, North South Polar Spin Rate)
‘Putting Hands & Triangles’ are very passive and quiet. So too are my ‘Driving Triangles’! If you get too active in your ‘Take-Away, you will reflexively get too active in and through the ‘Impact & Separation Zone’, hence ‘more ‘Spin-Rate than one might desire.
This being true, still thinking ‘Progressive’, the ‘First 8 to 12 Inches’ of my ‘Knock Down, Punch, Pitch, Lob and Drive Procedures’ are highly predictable.
‘Visualization and One’s Mental Picture Is Key’!
You have to ‘See and Feel it before you can Paint It’!
It is this student of the game’s opinion that making a full range of ‘Golf Strikes’ is really an art form! You might agree?
Enjoy the painting process!