There are two ‘Levers’ … the ‘Target or Swinging’ and the ‘Brace or Hitting’ sides of the ‘UBM Triangles’. We refer to them as ‘Lever Triangles’. They ‘Bend & Straighten’ quite naturally. This leverage action creates ‘Clubhead Speed’.
The ‘Target Lever Components’ are comprised of the ‘Shoulder Socket, Upper Arm, Elbow, Forearm, Wrist and Hand’. The ‘Brace Hand’ has the same components with slightly different tasking.
The Target and Brace Levers are ‘Extended or Straight’ through the ‘Impact & Separation Zones’ (see ‘Bottom Of Swing Arc’ or BOSA)(see ‘Brace Lever Extensor Action’ – BLEA)
The ‘Target Lever’ performs three tasks … 1) Controls the Clubface Aim At The Moment Of Separation, 2) establishes and maintains ‘BOSA’ and 3) Accomplishes the ‘#4 Pressure Point. This is where the ‘Target Pectoralis Musculature’ applies pressure to the ‘Target Lever Biceps’. (see ‘Round & Round or Horizontal Motion’)(see ‘Pivot Pressure’)
A very central functional rule is that ‘The Hips (Lower Body Machine – LBM) lead the hands. Thus the ‘Lever Triangles Lag or fall behind the ‘LBM’.
Another way to express this ‘Mechanical Function’ is that your ‘Lever Assemblies’ should have a little ‘Forward Press’. They should be in front of or ‘Leading The Clubhead’.
The ‘Hands’ get to the ball before the ‘Sweet Spot’. (see ‘Lead & Lag’)
‘Normal Divots’ happen in front of the golf ball. Behind is known as ‘FAT’! ‘Down Force’ (Vertical Motion) must match your ‘Around Force’ (Horizontal Motion). Knowledge is power!