Very good topic with equally as pertinent Cause & Effect’! Thanks for your persistent Q&A!
Firstly, it is this writer’s opinion that ‘FAT THIN’ is the scourge of golf … makes more people call it “QUITS” than any other single reason. When you have a real case of this affliction, very little is predictably pleasing!
We must learn to ‘Manage Golf Basics’ in order to get happier. Don’t miss even one of ‘The 5 Set-Ups’ … Posture. Grip, Stance, Ball Location & Alignment. These are happiness elements!
Key thought … if you ‘SWAY Aft In Your Take-Away’ and get stuck there (Weight On Brace Foot) you shall directly affect or lose your ‘Posture’ (Chin and Brace Shoulder Lowered). This ‘Deepens the ‘Bottom Of Swing Arc’ (BOSA) and directly contributes to taking a divot (FAT) behind the ‘Ball Location’.
Staying on this one of the ‘5 Set-Ups’ (Posture) we can fix or improve the ‘Fat Divot’. A second factor is created if we ‘Increase Our Knee Flex’. This drops our ‘Tallish CHIN’ and contributes to ‘Fat’. A little ‘Forward Press At Impact Fix’ will generally improve your pure strike!
If we ‘Slide’ (to the Target Side), this will also lower our ‘Tallish CHIN’ and create ‘FAT’ conditions. (see ‘The Tether Ball Pole Concept’)
Doing what ever is required, ‘Take your divot in front of the ‘Ball Location’. It is useful to place a tee in the ground to mark your ‘Ball Location’. You may make a dozen of these new ‘BOSA’ swings. Having the feel of ‘Extending or Straightening the Brace Lever Assembly’ of ‘Pinching The Ball Off The Grass’, will help. (see Bend & Straighten Drill – PAJ 1, 2, 3 … Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Sequence … think Gravitational … Brace Lever Dropping & Shallowing)
A little Clockwise (Right Handed) Looping Action at Top Of Back Swing (TOB) will help all this work! Be patient and persistent! Remember, ‘Ocular Acuity’.