The ‘Change In Direction at the Top Of Back & Up Swing’ (TOB – Swing Sequence #5) demands ‘Tempo, Timing , Rhythm, Cadence & Pace’ … Knowledge and Control.
We must NOT attempt to ‘Hit From The Top’ … to make power early in the ‘Down, Out, Forward & Through Swing’. (DOFT) This causes our getting ‘Above or Over Plane’, as well as making the ‘Brace Shoulder’ move early and fail to accomplish the ‘Lead & Lag Protocols’. Our ‘Hips’(LBM) should ‘LEAD’ (see ‘From The Ground Up’ and ‘From The Inside Out’) while the UBM (Shoulder Sockets and Lever Assemblies) should ‘LAG’ or fall behind … almost like a locomotive pulling 50 freight cars? They follow the power, front to caboose!
‘Transition’ in the Front Swing requires no ‘Brakes’ and absolutely minimal ‘Throttle’. Think about the Brace LBM as needing a ‘Pivot Brace Pressure Release’. The LBM that windes up early must also un-Winde early. During the ‘Down & Out Swing’ the ‘Brace Leg Drive’ ultimately runs out of ‘Load Coil Torque’ (ALSDR – The Power Line Delivery Sequence)
Of importance, once we ‘Load Coil’ (ALS) all we really have to accomplish is to let the ‘Pivot or Body Coil simply ‘Deliver & Release’ or ‘LET GO’ of the ‘Potential or Stored Energy’. (see ‘The Balsa Airplane Concept’ … how the rubber band windes and un-windes)
If we do all this in proper and efficient sequence, we shall discover what ON Path and ON Plane mean. Interestingly, a proper GRIP becomes very natural once these ‘Path & Plane’ become a reality!
What initiates the ‘Down & Out Swing’? … ‘Newtonian Gravitational Energy’. Envision Freddy Couples Driver Swing’. When your ‘Clubhead Whips Through The Ballistic Point Of The Golf Ball’, (see ‘BOSA … Bottom Of Swing Arc & BLEA … Brace Lever Extensor Action’) you shall know what ball striking magic entails! High Clubhead Speed is strangely effortless! (see ‘Angular Momentum’ – Bull Whipping – feel the Clubhead Speed through the ‘Impact & Separation Zone’) This interval demands ‘Relaxation’ and to be quite ‘Tension Free’.
Remember, a really tight Grip invites ‘Slow Wrist Actions’ and ‘Block, Cut, Slice’ vs. the more relaxed ‘Flip, Turned-Over Hook’ action!
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