As you well know, our ‘Putting Stroke’ is a ‘Stage 1 Procedure’ and requires ‘No Wrist Cock and No Pivot’. It is the simplest of ‘Push Basic Strokes’ wherein ‘The Brace Shoulder is the Up & Down Engine’. This is the ‘How & Why’ we refer to the ‘One Piece or Triangular Take-Away’. (see ‘Connected’) If we only had it permanently perfected!
We are well-served by using our ‘8 Step Putting & Chipping Pre-Shot Routine’. You know this!
All members of the ‘555 Golf Family’ know that ‘A Chip Is A Putt With A Hop’! Logically, a ‘Bump & Run’ is just a Chip with a longer ‘Back & Up Swing or Take Away’. (see ‘The Balsa Airplane Concept’ .. The Tip Of The Propeller Windes Up The Engine Rubber Band’. The ‘Brace Hand’ facilitates our very small ‘Accumulate, Load & Coil’)
Well, let us look at our ‘Chipping and Bump & Run Procedures’. These ‘Progressive Procedures’ all contain a ‘Putting Pattern’. (The First 8-12 Inches of the ‘Back & Up Swing. Our Driver has this primal move.) The Brace Shoulder is Primary Articulating Joint #1 (PAJ #1). Brace Elbow is PAJ #2 and Brace Wrist is PAJ #3. Worthy of mention, the Down & Out or Front Swing firing sequence is 1/2/3.
What can we do in our ‘Set-Up’ to help us have more success?
- Slightly Open Alignment
- Narrowish Stance
- Flared Target Toe … 40 to 60 degrees. This ‘Openness’ (Pre-Set or facing the Target), actually accomplishes a small portion of the neophyte ‘Pivot Response’ … terrific fluid advantage.
- Let the ‘Target Knee’ and then the ‘Brace Knee’ accomplish a small amount of ‘Lateral & Rotational Action’. As we ‘Progress into bigger ‘Swing Motions’ (Longer Chips and our Bump & Runs are in this category), we automatically start to accomplish the Stage 3 Procedures with their ‘Wrist Cock & Pivot’. This writer actually feels like his micro or small ‘Wrist Cock & Pivot Release’ actually deliver the ‘Sweet Spot and Ball ‘Down The Line’. (‘No Flippy Handedness’)