Our brace hand is usually our dominant hand. We gesture with it, eat with it, write with it, grind with it and more!
Just a few basics for YOU!
The ‘Lower Body’ produces exclusively all the “Horizontal or Round & Round Motion’. The Target Hip rotates back and away from the golf ball. This enables the ‘Connected Brace Hip’ to powerfully advance on or towards the ‘Target Line’. It is like that ‘Pick-Up Truck Concept’. If you push the rear bumper, that will move the front bumper and the entire machine in the direction which you steer via the Front Axel or Front End! By The Way, ‘You Must Steer The Front Foot OPEN So You Can Clear Your Target Hip Back’. (see ‘The Swapping Pockets Drill)
The ‘Upper Body’ (Lever Assemblies – Hands, Wrists, Arms and the actual Golf Club) produces all the ‘Down Force’ that must match the ‘LBM Around Force’. (see RPM and Timing) The ‘Brace Index Finger’, your throttle finger monitors ‘Timing & Velocity’ (Lead & Lag) so as to enable the ‘Sweet Spot’s Arrival’ at the ‘Ballistic Point’ (Bottom Inside Cheek – BIC) at precisely the right, cooperative moment!
The UBM’s pure task is to get straight DOWN to the ‘Impact Point’ in coordination with the AROUND Hip Axis.
Why do the ‘Hands’, especially ‘The Brace Hand’ get flippy and dominant … Bullying?
Because the ‘Big Muscled Truck Hips’ get submissive or plain old ‘LAZY’! That is a matter of ‘Lack Of Knowledge (Set-Up) and ‘Lack Of ‘Fitness’ … laziness!
The ‘Target Hip’ must ‘Lead’ the ‘LBM Powerline Delivery Sequence’ (ALSDR) or you have a conflict and logical system failure. Stance not too wide and with a ‘Flared Target Foot’. Steer so you can drive and clear your ‘Lower Body Engine’!