
The Progressive Golf System

Golf loves ‘Defined Methods’. Why? Because this disciplined approach to making a large variety of ‘Procedures’ with a bag full of varying ‘Tools’ is really efficient and invites predictably flexible success which opens the doors to rewarding outcomes and more smiles! Here are these simple and useful ‘Progressions’. Sadly, most golfers are not aware of this system!

1)     Putting (The ball stays on the ground … all run or roll with no Air Time. A usual ‘Putter Loft varies from 2 degrees to perhaps 6 degrees. Your ball likes getting up on top of the Dance Floor cut so as to be able to roll out ‘End Over End’)

2)     Chipping (a small amount of Air Time with mostly Ground or Roll Time. A Putt With A Hop! What are preferred club selections? This savvy Country Gentleman Golfer Teacher generally pulls his #8 Iron, but often uses his ‘Choked Down V Fairway Metal’ for Chipping and its sibling ‘Bump & Run’. Try it! Other choices available are any shorter clubs with different lofts. If you evaluate the situation properly, you might even use a 60 Degree Lob Wedge to control your Air To Ground Ratio. It is ‘Tinker Time!)

3)     Bump & Run (This specific Stroke Action is effectively looked upon as a longer swung more lofted clubhead. More energy delivery must be comfortable and your ‘12 Inch Landing Circles’ are highly useful in controlling Air To Ground Ratio. Become friends!)

4)     Knock Downs (Increasing ‘Delivered Energy’ with usually increasing ‘Air Time’. Your ‘Pivot Loading’ (‘Body Clocking’) will be increasing. Thus, your ‘Steering Target Foot’ shall become more Flared or Open so as to invite and enable ‘Pivot Release’)

5)     Punch Shots (more ‘Pivot Loading’ with a ‘Set-Up’ that induces ‘Release’)

6)     Pitches (more ‘Air Time Than Ground Time’ … unlike with your ‘Chipping Procedure’. A ‘Pitch can be seen as an ‘Abbreviated Full Swing’ … see ‘The 5 Set-Ups’)

7)     Full Swings (a front Swing with a ‘Transition’ starting from Swing Sequence #5 … a full Top Of Back & Up Swing … TOB)

8)     Driver (with its specialty conditions of being ‘Teed Tall’ with a forward Ball Location’ inviting an ‘Ascending Blow’ … see ‘Energy Transfer, Trajectory & Parabolic Shape’)

The first 8-12 inches of your ‘Driver Take-Away’ are very similar to the first 8-12 Inches of your ‘Putting Stroke’! Food For Thought?

all putts are dead straight
award winning golf academy McKinney Texas

Target Hand Low

You have heard of ‘Left Hand Low’ and know it is a ‘Grip Description’ for primarily ‘The Flat Stick or Putter’ and occasionally for the ‘Chipping...
Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.

The Inquisitive Student

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Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.


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Clinics & Schools

Just had an ‘AskUs’ e-Mail from a ‘555 Golf Round Table Member’. Great to be globally connected! Thank you for that privilege! She asked what was...
all putts are dead straight

Where Are You Looking

HIT THE BALL WHERE YOU ARE LOOKING Under Precise Control Use precisely measured and defined ‘Targets’ (see ‘Ballistic, Intermediate and Far’ -...
award winning golf academy McKinney Texas

Calibrated Average Distance

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award winning golf academy McKinney Texas

Ball Flight Control

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Thought Stimulation

A high-backed chair at the ‘555 Academy Round Table’ affords opportunity, accomplishment and entertainment. The following is a simple list of...
Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.

Alternative to Ground Sticks

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Baseline Thoughts

‘Mastering Golf Basics’ never goes ‘Out Of Fashion’. This very important ‘Putting & Chipping Stage One Procedure’ (No Wrist Cock and No Pivot)...

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