How about ‘Praying About Your Mechanics’? That might be a method in your madness?
‘Start Small And Find A Place For Progressive Golf In Your Bag Of Tricks’! (see ‘Body Clocking’) Each full swing club has ‘5 Specific Body Clocks’ that create and control energy. Remember, our Putting & Chipping have ‘The Inching Rule’? On fast flat prepared greens each added ‘Front Stroke Inch’ may produce three more feet of delivery distance. Tinker Time! Do your Down & Back Drill. Learn this reliable control reality!
If you improve your ‘Approach and Short Games’, you shall unavoidably improve your ‘Long Stick Performance’. (see ‘Swing Sequence Check Points’) SS #5 is your Top Of Back & Up Swing’. Do not over-swing across and below the line! There are 11 Swing Sequences in total.
Can we put this truth another way? Yes! “I Drive As I Putt!” “There Is A Putt In Every Drive!”
The first 8 to 12 inches of Long Putts and Long Drives are ‘Mechanically Very Similar’! Do these ‘Quiet Lever Triangle Body Clocks In Slow Motion’. ‘See and Feel The Precise Truth’!
What is the point of shooting a Laser to determine ‘Distance’ if you do not know how to create a ‘Ball Flight’ to match the distance data goal? You have to know how far and how.
Remember to use our ‘555 Golf 12 Inch Chipping and Pitching Landing Circle’. If you land a perfect Distance and Direction, it will find the ‘Bottom Of The Cup’! You can use a small golf hand towel for your ‘Landing Target’. (see ‘Carry Distance’ or ‘Air Time’)
More big smiley faces will look good on you!