This drill is also a bit like pull-starting the lawn mower with more ‘Forward Inclination’ or bending over. It involves your ‘Lower Body Machine’ (LBM) as well as focusing on your ‘Scapular Stability’. It is a relatively ‘Total Body Drill’.
A hint? Do this ‘Bullet-Proof Drill’ in ‘Slow Motion’ when warming up. It is called the ‘Sweep, Turn & Lift Drill’ for a reason! The Front Swing might be the ‘Return and Drop’ segment.
Once you have loaded your ‘Pivot’ by sweeping your Brace Hand Back & Up to your Swing Sequence #4 (slightly Abbreviated Full Swing), ‘Transition’ and let Gravity start your ‘Dropping Front Swing’. This ‘Gravitational’ discipline is very ‘Line and Task Oriented’. You can trust the action or effect of Gravity on your entire ‘Lever Triangles’. Think and feel ‘Dropping Into The Hip Pocket Power Slot’ with an ‘Inside Out Clubhead Path’! (see ‘The 555 Golf Red Dot’) We do not strike the ball through 3 o’clock but preferably through 4 or 5 o’clock.
This is called a ‘Punch Basic Procedure’ for a reason. It involves ‘Wrist Cock and Pivot’. (see ‘Stage 3 Procedures’) You should feel like you are ‘Punching or Throwing the Clubhead Mass “Through and Not At The Ball”. (see ‘Skipping A Rock Drill’) ‘Putting and Small Chipping’ are Stage 1 Procedures … No Wrist Cock and No Pivot.
This is a sub-category of the ‘Bend & Straighten Drill’ By this progressive movement of your ‘Brace Lever Assembly’ you create Clubhead Speed and thereby, ‘Distance and Path Control’.
A key reminder? Our Clubheads do not advance on the Intermediate and Far Targets until we have dropped into the ‘Bottom Half of the Swing Circle’. If you attempt to apply power too early, you shall very likely fall prey to ‘Casting’.
This error is really ‘Globally Golf Epidemic’!