‘Perfection Is Often and Generally Unattainable’ and is ‘Food For Frustration’! This ailment tends to be masochistic. Avoid falling on your own sword!
Do not or avoid exposing yourself to this stressor. No one should voluntarily embrace stress.
Set clearly-defined ‘Practice and Play Goals’.
Perform ‘Work Smart Drills’. You have them in focus repertoire for a reason.
Evaluate your performance by using both ‘Pre and Post Shot Routines’. This reinforces habitual reality, the ability to repeat success.
Do not ‘Over-Practice’! Set a fixed time frame and amount of balls to strike.
This ‘Country Gentleman has a savvy routine limiter! After the ‘Putter’ my # 8 Iron is a common warm up tool. Here is a discipline! If I accomplish ‘Proper Set-Up’ and hit 4 to 6 really great strikes, I put the specific club back in my bag!
Here is a truth that certainly applies to my Driver! If I hit 4 to 6 great drivers (with proper Trajectory and Parabola) I put it back in the bag! Why? If one carries on hitting more Driver Balls (or with any stick) one shall hit tankers. Degradation is a certainty! Avoid this pitfall.
Expect Rewards and Work Smart!