Confident, Comfortable & Consistent
Effectively winning golf demands ‘Mental & Mechanical’ precision if you are to maximize performance and pleasure. The Great Game is not a laxidazical journey!
Effective tutelage can occasionally be more about “Kicking A _ _ than Kissing Butt”. Credit where credit is due? Demanding and creating personal Golf excellence is a rare blend of desire, elements, conditions and attitude.
Once you have been gifted with a precise system, understand and use it not half-heartedly but fully and precisely! More pointedly, use your foundational ‘5 Set-Ups (Posture, Grip, Stance, Ball Location & Alignment), 5 Essential Elements (Clubface Aim, Clubhead Path, Clubhead Speed, Sweet Spot & Angle Of Attack) and your 5 Controls (Chin, Hands, Feet, Ball, Pin)’.
How many students apply ‘The 8 Step Putting & Chipping Pre Shot Routine’ … really use it? Our rewards are commensurate with following the defined and proven processes and procedures. ‘Get Lucky Golf’ spontaneity is risky, potluck business! “Ah, Just hit it!” is a surrender.
What is a ‘Pre-Shot Routines’ unabashed purpose? It progressively establishes or draws on a known process that reliably engenders ‘Confidence, Comfort & Consistency’. When you are ready to pull the trigger, (just pre Take-Away) you know good things are about to happen.
‘Golf Is Your Parade and Pleasure’. If you want respect in the clubhouse, to earn a ‘Killer Reputation’, commit to predictability of excellence! 555 Golf equips you with necessary tools.
Your ‘Country Gentleman Golf Teacher’ and the ‘555 Team’ are committed to your success!
Desire, Honesty and an Open Mind’ are not optional!