This is a pretty well-know golf Short Game Affliction. Your ‘555 Team’ has studied and written copious amounts about this ailment. Of interest is our ‘555 Golf Premise’ that “There Is A Putt In Every Drive!” Its second cousin is “I Drive As I Putt!”
A key fact is that the ‘First 8-12 Inches in the Putting & Driving Take Away Are exactly the same. Neither involves but a minimum of ‘Acceleration and Velocity’.
Both have ‘Triangular Lever Assembly Stability’. This means that our Target and Brace Lever Assemblies’ have quiet Elbows and Wrists. Ther is no ‘Flippy-Handedness’. If you would allow me a few seconds, this ‘Flippy-Handedness’ is also referred to as ‘The Yips’. A central mitigating process is to keep the Manual Pressure soft and the same especially in this ‘Take-Away Zone’. See The Ball’s Ballistic Point with comfort!
Make sure you follow our ‘Proven Mechanical Reality’ … If Your Hands Are In Motion, You Must Be Breathing Out’.
Two powerful ‘Plans Of Attacking This Challenge’ are found in our ‘5 Set-Ups’ and ‘5 Essential Elements’. You will certainly agree that ‘GRIP’ is a functional consideration? Ponder and explore ‘Target Hand Low’ as an alternative to the more common Brace Hand Low’.
Secondly, try our ‘555 Team’s ‘Palm Grip’. It is a ‘Yip Fixer’! Set-Up Brace Hand Low. Next, flatten your palm, pointing at the Ball Rolling Target and extend your four fingers down the shaft. Now, with Posture established, Sweep The Clubhead Away. To establish Tempo & Timing say “The Little & Word” at the ‘Top Of Back & Up Swing’ (TOB)!
Remember, trusting ‘Newton’s Gravity’ absolutely starts your ‘Down, Out, Forward and Through’ sequencing. (see ‘DOFT’ and ‘Dropping Lever Triangles’ at the ‘Impact Point’)