Your learned ‘555 Team’ knows you have aspirations. Having hope is a blessing? Earn your own success! Plan for it to land on your doorstep! If you deserve it, you shall get more of it!
You have the right and opportunity to design goals and pursue dreams. Step out boldly and directly. If a well-planned shot does not meet your expectation, assess it by using your efficient tools … ‘Post Shot Routine’. (see ‘The 5 Set-Ups’)
Do so selectively and in bright sunlight. Do not hide your skills under a bushel basket. Fertilize and water your garden!
Step out boldly and avoid anger! Water balls are annoying. If you can hit it again, you are still alive and in the game! Appreciate that opportunity to save your butt! Gratitude and Reverence!
Locate a ‘Golf Wilderness Guide’. Trust and follow his of her experience and advice!
You cannot go this ‘Golf Trip’ alone. Make it become a ‘Work Smart Life-Long Journey’!
Your ‘555 Team’ is here to help YOU … generously!
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Irgie Home Page> Tab Bar> 555 Store> Membership. All you have to do is ‘Click The Red Button’ and follow the ‘Newsletter’ prompts. “Do It Now!”
Make time to scroll this ‘Home Page’ top to bottom. Every visitor finds worthwhile treasure on board! Join our ‘555 Golf Round Table’. (see ‘The Locker Room Premium Membership’) We have been patiently and productively waiting for you!