Occasionally one hears strange and even senseless ‘Golf Perspectives’ such as ‘Having No Swing Thoughts’? The ‘Blank Mind Syndrome’ is without scientific basis. When might the mind be blank? When you are awake, asleep or under a general anesthetic … any of the above? Making a golf swing usually requires that one is conscious and aware of surroundings and tasks?
When might a golfer have ‘No Swing Thoughts’? When we are focused on the ‘Ballistic Target (Bottom Inside Cheek or BIC Red Dot), focused on the Intermediate Target (spot 15 Inches in front of the ball) or on the Far Target’? These three targets demand at least focus which would involve ‘Static or Dynamic Thought’. (see ‘Active or Passive Awareness’)
If we establish ‘Swing Gates’ (Motion Check Points) we shall surely engage or get involved in ‘Swing Thoughts’? Some ‘Check Points’ involve the ‘Clubshaft Becoming Horizontal To The Ground in the Take-Away’, The Target Lever Assembly also becoming Horizontal and the entire machine’s getting to the ‘Top Of Back & Up Swing’ (TOB) where we must ‘Transition’ from the Back to the Front Swing (see ‘DOFT – Down Out Forward & Through’). Thinking is reality!
This ‘Front Swing Sequencing’ also involves the ‘Shaft Horizontal’ (Swing Sequence #7) which is also known as ‘The Pre-Impact Position’. Of course, we have the ‘SS #8 Impact & Separation Zone’ accompanied by the ‘Chase, Follow & Finish Segment’ (SS #9) leading to the ‘Top Of Front Swing’. (see TOF – SS #10). We could go on and on, reems of pages and chapters!
Might we logically and repeatedly think about any of the above accomplishments or intentions? Might these ‘Check Points’ become recognized as ‘Swing Thoughts’?
How can we zen ourselves into ‘No Swing Thoughts’ and a case of ‘Blankmindedness’? Not any time soon! Golf is about ‘Pre-Shot Routines’ (PSR) and succinct planning. Enjoy that process!