Your Cerebral Traffic Jamb
“Thinking Might be Stinking?” Keep your ‘Mental Check-Listing’ very to the ‘Foundational Points’. Avoid clutter. Even if it is productive this detritus might cause performance interruption!
Brain overload causes uncomfortable ‘Cognitive Rush Hour Bumper Cars’.
When we practise proper movements in ‘Slow Motion’ they tend to become more autonomic at a faster pace. This is known as ‘Productive Neural Synapsis’. Once earned, we actually tend to make our primary motion in the more efficient ‘Subconscious Mode’. Brain Off Energy On!
Trying to ‘Think Our Way Through A Golf Strike’ very likely exceeds our Brain Ram and process limits! Consider how many ‘Bits & Bytes’ must be systematically and sequentially computed in a 1.5 second golf strike? The conscious process of ‘Thinking Through the Procedure’ actually slows our mental ‘Neuro-Synapsis’. Not ideal! (see ‘The Magic Of The 15 Inch Intermediate Target’ … Steady-Headed Uninterrupted Ocular Data)
Many ‘555 Golf Academy Clients’ are not necessarily over-thinking, they are often thinking about the wrong things. It is a horrible dilemma to get caught ‘Practising Bad Habits’. (see ‘Weak or Ineffective Basics’) We can find ourselves trying to fix a fault with a worse fault?
Working with a golfer demands that we strive to find his or her strengths and not necessarily the weaknesses. Always strive to keep each client out of his or her own way! It is possible to have a check-list or sequential cue that is ill-suited and contributing to the problem? Fix It Fast!
These truths are precisely why our ‘Progressive Performance Approach’ is so successful. Master the small first … ‘Putting & Chipping’. Remember that ‘There Is A Putt In Every Drive’ and that the first 8-12 inches of the Driver Swing is the same as the first 8-12 Inches of your Putt. A Chip Is A Putt With A Hop! Never get far from intimate awareness of our ‘5 Essential Elements – ‘Clubface Aim, Clubhead Path, Clubhead Speed, Sweet Spot and Angle Of Attack’. They are the most loyal foot-soldiers at your service!