If we have a leg injury, we might elect to take X-rays and to apply a plaster cast. This might also prompt us to use a cane or crutches. How effective? How long? Ultimately and often very quickly! We want to avoid the invitation of a dependency.
How many of our trusted clients have seen and used training aids such as ‘Magnetic Club Face Aim Rods’? Clubs that are high ‘Stainless Steel’ content (17- 4 or higher) do not hold a magnet very effectively. We cannot strike golf balls with these ‘Training Aids’ in place.
How useful are ‘Ground Sticks’ or what we refer to as ‘Alignment Rods’. Very! Are they available and affordable? Home Depot’ for $3.00 or $4.00 each. Ask for ‘Reflective Driveway Snow Markers’. If all else fails, simply take one of your Fairway Metals out of the bag and use that as an ‘Alignment Rod’. Free is a good value? This discipline will get you ‘5 Paces Behind The Ground Stick’ where you need to be in order to see the ‘Far Target Line’. (see ‘Mental Image or Mind Pictures’) Seeing the ‘Blank Shot Canvas’ is a key to golf success!
Next, place the golf ball 4 to 6 inches on the inside of the Target Line. Go back ‘5 Paces’ and see your line again. Confirm your ‘Ball Flight Line’. Form that mental picture. Now find a point that is 15 inches in front of the ball. (not 10 and not 20 inches – 15 inches) Picture the ‘Ball Flight Line’. Your 555 Team refers to this as ‘Target Line Maintenance’.
Now, when you continue your ‘Set-Up’ you will get a very accurate and trusted evaluation of your ‘Club Face Aim’. Strive to swing through and hit the ball ‘Just 15 Inches’ with less than ‘Full Swings’ or, when ready, with ‘Full Swings’. This is amazing! All you have to accomplish is to hit all your golf balls 15 Inches! Trust and execute! You will soon grow in your capability and need to ‘Ground Sticks’ … ‘No Training Aids’. No expensive minimally effective golf dildos required! Learn to do a ‘Post Shot Routine’ so you grade your performance.
You shall become able to see your ‘Line’ (Club Face Aim) just by this ‘Work Smart Process’.