Remember this reality? Your ‘Sweet Spot (Optimal Impact Point – Center Of Mass – COM) only starts advancing or moving towards the target in the ‘Bottom Half Of The Swing Circle’. In the ‘Upper Half Of The Swing Circle’ (Brace Hand above your Lower Rib Cage), that critical clubface location (Impact Point) is actually ‘Retreating’ or moving away from the target – aft! Make several ‘Slow Motion Swings’ and you shall actually experience what I am writing. No point in stepping on the ‘Golf Machine’ throttle at the wrong time heading in the wrong direction! This lack of timing your proper mechanics is a primary cause of ‘Ball Flight Curvature’ and disappointment. (see Clubhead Path and Clubface Aim’)
You can directly improve the quality of your contact by making shortened or ‘Abbreviated Swings’. These might be 25% to 50% shorter. Become persistent in this pursuit of perfection.
Monitor your ‘Strike Point Purity’ by looking at the ball marks left on the face of your golf club.
Feel the last foot or 2 or 3 in that ‘Extended Bottom Half’. (see ‘Bottom Of Swing Arc – BOSA’) That is where the action is located! Chipping, Bump & Run and Knock Down Shots are pertinent, highly useful and shortened procedures. Your ‘555 Team’ refers to these as ‘Punch Basic Strokes’. They off-load, deliver and release their energy quite late in the ‘Down, Out, Forward & Through Swings’. (see ‘DOFT’ and ‘Bend & Straighten’) Remember, BOSA is actually ‘In Front Of The Ball’ where your divot should be!
Stick with this smart methodology until you master purity in its shortness! There are no or few shortcuts in this marvelous ‘Ball & Stick Journey’!
“Walk Before You Run!”