If you have ‘Worked For A Living’, the baseline tasking is very likely ‘Trading Time For Dollars’. It takes personal time investment to make money! We know this to be true!
When you take a golf lesson, make sure it is with a known and proven teaching entity. If your instructor is short on science and experience, you shall surely waste ‘Time’. Time has value, therefore poor instruction is also logically wasting ‘Money’. Exercise your prerogative early!
‘Time Is Our Universal Currency’ whether we are buying or selling!
What stimulated these thoughts?
If you take a good golf lesson, make sure you practise your learned skills several times before you undertake yet another investment of both ‘Time & Money’ in the next lesson.
If we agree that taking a golf shot is a form of spending money, it may make sense to accomplish a professionally-designed ‘Pre-Shot Routine’? This discipline increases your ‘Probability Of Success’. That is a good benefit, what we refer to as a ‘Return On Investment’! (ROI)
Get committed before each shot! This means creating a ‘Mental Picture’ you can paint with your ‘Ball & Stick’ on the 150 acre big green canvas.
Enjoy this ‘Ball & Stick Journey’! It can be a rewarding ‘Lifelong Leisure Skill’.
You deserve reaping the pleasure. One-hop-stoppers into the 5 Foot Circle are exciting! Making ‘One Putts’ is icing on the cake!