
Aft Tilt

This is actually an ‘Out-Of-Plumb Spinal Condition’. When one is plumb, the Sternum (and Spine) are roughly in line with the ‘Belly Button’. The ‘Plumb Line’, bridge of your nose, Adam’s Apple and sternum, navel hit the ground between your feet … in the center of your Stance.

To accomplish ‘Aft Tilt’ one must ‘Tip To The Brace Side’ with the ‘Shoulders’ while the ‘Hip Girdle’ remains relatively stationary. ‘Aft Tilt’ created by ‘Sliding The Hips’ Target-ward is mechanically wrong. ‘Stacking & Tilting’ is worthy of discussion.

Starting from a perfect ‘Address Position’ (Plumb Spine), your golfclub will be fairly ‘Neutral’ depending on ‘Grip’. This ‘Neutral Plumb’ means ‘Lie and Loft Correct’. If we want more ‘Launch Angle or Trajectory’ to get over a big obstructing tree, what might we do?

  1. Select A More Lofted Club
  2. Set-Up some ‘Aft-Tilt’. This flattens out the ‘Angle Of Attack’ and ‘Increases the ‘Loft and Launch Angle’. Thus the ‘Trajectory’ increases. We get across the tree and stop shorter on impacting the green. This is due to ‘Under-Spin’ and ‘Angle Of Approach’. (see Angle Of Attack – AOA) You might also accomplish a slightly modified ‘Clubhead Path’ due to ‘Aft Tilt’ and ‘Shoulder Position’. You know what that induces on the golf ball! Golf seems to have infinite variables and combinations? Part of the FUN?

Now you have two very simple manners by which you might manage ‘Flight Shape and Landing Outcome’. ‘Simplicity Solves Complexity’. Thus item #1 is your 555 Team’s first choice.

“Keep It Stupid Simple!”

Enjoy your growing knowledge and skill!

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