‘Up & Down’ is different than ‘Side-Hill … Ball Above and Below Your Feet’ circumstances. These two options demand a specific ‘Set-Up’ so as to adjust your ‘Spinal Axis and Swing Plane’ to satisfy the stage that has been set by your previous strike! (see Flatter more Shallow Plane with the Ball Above Your Feet … Draw tendency and more Vertical and Steeper Plane with the Ball Below Your Feet … Fade Tendency. Pay close attention to your Clubface Aim!)
I owe some thanks to Gary Player for the following inspiration. He showed me how he walked through his ‘Down-Hill Lies’ as ‘Mother Nature (Newtonian Gravity) powerfully invited this ‘Take A Step’ response. If you fight the natural ‘Step-Release’ response, you are surely going to invite ‘Lower Body Machine or Lumbar Soft Tissue Injury’ (STI). Gary had a delicate ‘Lower Back’ so he ‘Walked Through Most Full Swing Strikes’! We shall be enhanced by a slightly ‘Wider Stance’ in this ‘Walk Down-The-Hill Delivery’. Make sure that your Target Foot Stance is Flared so it can invite ‘Hip Release’. (see ‘Steer So You Can Clear’ – Accumulate, Load, Store, Deliver & Release … ALSDR)
The ‘Up-Hill Lies’ present different or reciprocal circumstances and challenges. We are forced to work against ‘Gravity’. Stance (Target Foot Steering) is essential. Stance Width should be slightly ‘Narrower’ so as to enable the ‘Up-Hill Release Step’. The ‘Up-Hill Step or Steps’ must be automatic and natural.
These ‘Up and Down Hill Strikes’ must be ‘Set-Up’ to accomplish getting through our ‘Bottom Of Swing Arc’ (BOSA) with Gravitational ease!
We should feel like we a ‘Dropping From The Top Of Back Swing’ (TOB – Swing Sequence #5) into the ‘Bottom Half Of The Swing Circle’ where our ‘Brace Lever Assembly – 3 Lever Single Action’ takes place. Remember, this ‘Bend & Straighten Sequence is 1/2/3 Back & Up (Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist) followed by 1/2/3 Down & Out. (see ‘Primary Articulating Joints’ – PAJ) TOB Wrist Cock is accomplished by fairly relaxed ‘Clubhead Momentum’!
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