Flat or breaking, inside a foot or two … choke and puke! A life or ‘Round Ending’ faux pas?
‘The Missed Dinker’ shall be the Talk of the often more expensive 19th hole!
Never make ‘ANY Strike’ without a ‘Pre-Shot Routine, even if it is slightly ‘Abbreviated’.
If you have to do ‘The Devil Made Me Do It One Hander Swipe’ (with No 5 Paces Back Behind The Ball and ‘Intermediate Target’), here is how to survive the moment!
Step into the ball with your Brace Foot Big Toenail. Why? Because it is your ‘Measuring To The Ball Motive Foot’. The ‘Target Step In’ will tend to establish a slightly ‘Closed Shoulder Axis’. That is preferable to the ‘Open Brace Shoulder’ tendency! Alignment is a key ingredient!
Use your ‘Brace Hand and Lever’ to propel the ball. It is your ‘Control Hand’. (see ‘Stroke Length’ … Brace Hand Travel Distance – BHTD)(see ‘Inching Rule’)
Use your ‘Ocular Acuity’. (see ‘The Red Dot’)
Say your “&” word so you do not get ‘Yippe’! (see ‘Tempo, Timing & Rhythm’)
“Chase, Follow & Finish” … THROUGH-ness
Key Point? Use and trust your ‘8 Step Putting & Chipping PSR’.
One lost stroke could end your career … certainly your hole or round!
Expensive and embarrassing?
I have never missed a ‘One Handed Tap In’ … for a reason you already know!