As you know, your golf clubs are made to specifications which are very predictable. Component Dead Weights, Grip Sizes, Shaft Flex and Re-Flex (Steel and Composite) Length, Loft and Lies are all deliberate and based on science.
Once your set is ‘Specified’ and carefully built, your ‘Standard Full Swing’ will produce highly predictable results based especially on ‘Length, Loft, Lie and Clubhead Speed’.
If you have ‘4 Degree Splits’ (Loft Differentials between clubheads) you will accomplish very predictable ‘Distances & Shapes’. You may get 10, 15 or 20 more yards per clubhead Loft as well as variable ‘Trajectories and Spin Rates’.
It is key that one makes a repeatable swing with each golf club in order to get around the golf course with success! Worth a thought? Perfect one smooth full swing for all clubs excluding the Putter. If you can accomplish this feat, the only club you have to learn swing variation is your #PW … 10 to 300 feet! Do Your Math! (see ‘The Pitching Wedge Rule’ – always strive to hit a full #PW Approach Shot to the 5 Foot Circle. Perfect this ‘Meat & Potatoes’ shot!)
‘Splits’ … you will learn that your ‘Full Swing’ #8 Iron might make your golf ball ‘Go Away’ between 125 to 145 yards. That is a ‘20 Yard Split’. Some golfers might have a range of 125 to 135 yards. That is a ‘10 Yard Split’. If you reach out to 140 yards, you will have a 15 Yard Split’.
You shall learn these ‘Calibrated Bag Numbers’ over a relatively short period of time. Write down your numbers. Expect them to change with the environment and as you develop your games. Use your laser range finder and performance computers.