
Golf Ingredients

The ‘Physical, Mechanical and Mental’ components, ingredients, make up the global pathway of our golf lives. No one comes to golf truth and reality without a full embrace of ‘The Physics Of Rotation’ and ‘The Geometry Of The Circle’. We cannot enjoy ‘The Great Game’ without some dedicated Newtonian servitude! Look at all golf strokes open-mindedly and with a hunger!

It you have a purpose in your golf activities (as small as cleaning your clubs after each use or using a dedicated ‘Pre-Shot Routine’) it is analgesic and comforting. If the outcome is positive, perhaps one should add more ‘Process and Outcome’ spices to improve the flavour?

The pathway to golf happiness, the source of it all, is via ‘Simplicity Conquering Complexity’. Master the small before moving on to the big … Short Swing before the Full Swing! “There is a Putt In Every Drive!” (see ‘The Essential Elements’ – Clubface Aim, Clubhead Path, Clubhead Speed, Sweet Spot & Angle Of Attack’. No single golf procedure anywhere world-wide takes place without all five of these ingredients.)

Our rewards for subduing golf’s challenges are manifold and life-long. Does ‘Truth Set Us Free’? Absolutely! Have you defined your ‘Putting Truths’? The Flat Stick matters!

Find a golf teacher who will actually talk to you about your golf intricasies. If that is not the case, end the marriage … separate and divorce! Don’t take it personally! Cast off and sail away!

This done, do not undertake your ‘Golf’s Journey’ without a ‘Savvy Wilderness Guide’! Danger lurks just off the trails!

Success and happiness are not accidental!

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The 555 Golf Academy is the world’s most comprehensive online training program for amateur and professional golfers. We provide over 1200 articles, videos, and drills that will help you take your game from good to great in just a few short weeks. Join our growing community today!

Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.
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So Now What?

We just completed a really effective ‘Wind or Negative Weather Clinic’ … a real Texas working clinic! Why do I write “Real”? Because we started with...
award winning golf academy Pilot Point, Texas

So Now What?

We just completed a really effective ‘Wind or Negative Weather Clinic’ … a real Texas working clinic! Why do I write “Real”? Because we started with...
Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.

Nuances Matter

There are definitely physical challenges on course. I heard a comment the other day that ‘There Are Very Few Perfect Shots Out there!” How often do...
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How many golfers have played tennis … another terrific game? If you have, you will be familiar with the term ‘No Man’s Land’? This is the portion of...
Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.

Common Practice & Play Errors

‘555 Golf POWER TIPS’ are generally limited to one page … short & sweet … Good Luck! 1)     Practise With A Written...

Physiologically Incorrect?

Work Smart - Posture Trumps Ball Location Your ‘555 Team’ is always staying up with or ahead of golf physiology curve for YOU! This ‘Country...
Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.

Different Jobs?

Golf is very much about an underlying balance between ‘Components & Procedures’. A bold example is the difference between the ‘Putter’ and the...
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Magnesium Deficiency

Here are just a few signs that you may be magnesium deficient: Anxiety Depression Muscle Cramps High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Hormone Problems...
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Chip Grip Options

There are a whole range of ‘Grip Choices’ from Putter To Driver! Underlying simplistic postulate is that a ‘Chip Is A Putt With A Hop’! If you can...
Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.


How many of us ‘Work Smart’ to a consciously improving practice and play result? Fewer than might be imagined? Here is a helpful and novel idea, if...

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