
Help Understanding Your Lag

When this ‘Country Gentleman Golf Teacher’ started on this second, companion career over 50 years ago, he really struggled with ‘Golf Vocabulary’ … the language of the game! I know you share my experience and perspective!

“Inside-Out” (as describing ‘Clubhead Path’) reminded me of how my underwear and socks came out of the clothes dryer! What the heck was a “Mulligan”? “Having The Honours” just created a “What the Hell Is That” wry smile! There are many more examples shared by all of us!

In this ‘Newtonian Realm’, when something ‘Leads’ something else logically ‘Lags’. The Front Bumper of a vehicle ‘Leads’ the Trailing or Lagging Rear Bumper.

‘Clubhead Lag Pressure’ is a potential confusion for sure! Throw an over-hand, side arm baseball pitch and you will experience what ‘Power Motion Application Lag’ is. Your ‘Hips and Abdominal Core Lead’ while your ‘Brace or Throwing Hand Lags’. Without getting onto a big dissertation, your ‘Brace Lever’ has three ‘Primary Articulating Joints’ (PAJ) numbered 1, 2, and 3 from the Shoulder Socket down to the Elbow and through the Wrist. When ‘Loaded with Potential Energy’ (Cocked) you can do work … throw the ball from A to B by straightening.

You employ the same or similar mechanics hitting a big barn spike with a long-handled sledge-hammer. It too is a ‘Bend & Straighten Process or Action’.

In this conversion of ‘Potential Energy’ into its ‘Kinetic Form’, our ‘Lower Body Machine’ (LBM – Abdomen, Core and Legs) ‘Turns Early and Hits Late’, hence the ‘Lag’ explanation. The ‘Upper Body Machine’ (UBM – Shoulder Socket, Upper Arm, Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, Hand and the actual Golf Club) gets through the ball after the ‘LBM’. You will understand that the ‘Target Hips and Core’ must ‘Clear Front to Back’ (get out of the way) in order to make room for that smoothly advancing ‘Brace Hip Socket Girdle’. (Ostensibly the same for batting as pitching!)

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