Our Earthly Journey is thereafter ‘Ashes To Ashes and Dust To Dust’. We start rather small and then end small? How big is our ‘Celestial Soul’? Different story!
Your ‘555 Team’ pays attention to all the manifold ‘Global Golf-itis’. It is endless and offers exceptional variety in its logic and intellect. We all know this! One of the substantial ‘Instruction Names’ after decades has discovered the ‘Valhalla Of Golf’ … for the second of third time. This newly spawned method is supposed to be ultra-simple and quick. I stayed with it until I started growing a migraine!
May I share our practical ‘555 Golf’ approach with you? Search the internet looking for baseline ‘Putting Mechanics and Mentality’. Do this for three or four thorough sessions. Write notes!
Read our ‘Protocols Guidelines’ … home page under the ‘ABOUT TAB’ … starting small and working up and out! We have another valuable article (‘555 Progressive Golf’). It is in the ‘Locker Room Premium Membership’ (LRPM) access section. I will summarize it for you.
We must toddle before we walk, trot, run and sprint. ‘Simplicity Solves Complexity’. ‘Progressive Golf’ is Putt, Chip, Bump & Run, Knock-Down, Punch, Pitch and Full Swing. Each procedure expands its travel length and energy. (‘ROM’) Your reading will uncover the fact that ‘I Drive As I Putt’. (see ‘The 5 Essential Elements … GOLF MYTH ARTICLES – Free)
What is the simplest and easiest method of learning to play golf that is at least FUN? It is ‘Progressive Golf’. If you learn one or two new expanding Golf Procedures every week, you will be playing and having fun within a month. If you can make it work small, it shall work big!
You do NOT have to get worse before you get better! Our students get markedly improved in the first session … always! Importantly, they know ‘WHY’ so they can repeat the motions!
Are you looking to improve your golf game?
The 555 Golf Academy is the world’s most comprehensive online training program for amateur and professional golfers. We provide over 1200 articles, videos, and drills that will help you take your game from good to great in just a few short weeks. Join our growing community today!