To progress at a pace that will make you happy, you need …
1. Desire, Honesty and an Open Mind
2. Knowledge of some ‘Golf Ball Flight Laws
3. Knowledge of fundamental Mechanical needs
4. To know ‘The 5 Set-Ups’ (Posture Grip Stance Ball Location & Alignment)
5. To know ‘The 5 Essential Elements’ (Clubface Aim, Clubhead Path, Clubhead Speed Sweet Spot & Angle Of Attack (AoA).
6. To have a proven professional ‘Pre-Shot Routine’
7. Pivot Axis and Spinal Engine (Imperative)
8. To grasp the ‘Power Line Delivery Sequence’ (Accumulate, Load, Store, Deliver & Release – ALSDR)
9. To understand ‘Lead & Lag’. The ‘Lower Body’ gets to the ball before the Upper Body.
10. To understand ‘Compression and Line Of Compression’
11. To understand ‘The 11 Swing Sequences’. (SS#8a -SS#9 Chase & Follow. Both Target & Brace Levers Fully Extended is key! This is the ‘Release in ALSDR’.
12. The Ball Goes Where Your Hands Go
13. Visualize and select ‘Precise Quarter-Sized Targets … Aim Small and Deliver Small.
Enough to keep you thinking for now?
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