
Playing The Wind | 555 Golf

Have you ever been in a boat and docked in calm conditions? It is not complicated and clearly manageable! Now add a ‘Strong Wind’ as well as a ‘Current’ as there will be in a river. Totally different situation, right?

‘Zero Wind Golf’ is benign! If you are a straight ball hitter (Minimal Curvature) ball striking at precise targets (Landing Points) is just ‘A To B Golf’. Go through your ‘Pre Shot Routine’. This will identify the ‘Intermediate and Far Targets’. If you have picked the optimal ‘Club Selection’ for ‘Distance’ you are a ‘Smiley Faced Golfer’ … lower scores and more fun!

Now add wind! To deal with this ‘Mother Nature’s Element’ we need to understand how a ‘Moving Fluid Air Mass’ actually behaves? Often not quite as one might perceive. It is fairly easy to determine how wind is behaving in your immediate vicinity, within 100 to 200 feet laterally and ‘Ground Level’ to 50 feet vertically.

Here is a problem! The ‘Approach Landing Circle’ is 180 yards away and at the golf ball ‘Top Of Ball Flight’ (parabola or trajectory) where enroute it likely gets above the ‘Tree Canopy Zone’, where the foliage provides no wind beak or cover as there is lower and at ground level.

Throwing a ‘Pinch Of Grass On The Tee’ is, at best, a nervous habit. Even worse, it is almost never the same as ‘Enroute or Aloft’, above and below the trees crown.

One thing for sure, you are better served looking at the high branches and observing the leaves at top of climb height. Your ball will soon pass through this ‘Air Mass Zone’. We need to know the ‘Wind Aloft Direction and Velocity’. If we fail to get that data, we are just guessing and hoping! What is our ‘Ball Starting Line’ or planned ‘Curvature’? How has that been working out for you?

If you are going to ‘Read The Wind’, do so properly with a science-based system! Good advice? Play Under The Wind’. Use ‘The Planned Stinger’ when necessary!

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