Should we ‘Accelerate or Decelerate’ our golf swings?
Think about your ‘Bunker Work’! A lot of golfers ‘Slow Down’ their swings and subsequently do not deliver adequate ‘Mass Energy’ to actually propel the golf ball off of the beach! Focus on and strive to create more ‘Clubhead Speed’ when splashing a handful of sand out of the bunker and taking the ball with it!
A good drill is to move a handful of sand well out of the bunker 25 times. Then just put a ball in the way and repeat! (see ‘The 555 Bunker Board Drill’ Put a small handful of sand on the front end of a 24 Inch 2×4 pressed into the sand. Thump and Splash that sand off and out!)
A magical rule of tasking this is to ‘Take Half An Inch Of Sand From Under The South Pole Of The Golf Ball’. Don’t get more complicated than just that goal! See the ball well!
Do you need a rule or guideline as to ‘How Hard To Swing The Clubhead’ in order to extricate a handful of sand? Try this for a ballpark guideline! Hit the ball twice as far as you might from a rough grass or bunker strike!
Should we ‘Decelerate’ out of ‘Fear Of Skulling’? No! Take your ‘Half Inch Of Sand’! It helps to make that solid ‘Thump’ when you make your strike. Should we ‘Accelerate’? Yes!
Are there any situations when you might ‘Benefit From Deceleration’? Perhaps a couple. AskUs!