Replace With Balanced Harmony
Your ‘555 Team’ thinks you might alternately ‘Escape Social Chaos’. It is your decision!
Whatever your choice, do so regularly and with proudly, selfish dedication!
How and where might one accomplish this feat?
The ‘Great Game Of Golf’ is a magical remedy! It offers three options … 1) Get involved in social activities (This even involves searching for golf equipment and new courses), 2) diligent and defined practice and 3) properly executed play that has a predetermined strategy. Write a tested list to ‘Calibrate Average Distance’. Know your Body Clocked Distances especially in your Short bag! Learn about the course the day before! Do your math! Preselect your clubs for each hole … FUN and very effective, especially if you want to ‘Kick Butt Out There’!
What is a strategic example? Play the first three holes to PAR! This will get you kinetic and settled. Do all of these behaviours with a ‘Purpose’. Write a list! Record your weaknesses!
Purposefulness is a ‘Mental Strategy’ worth knowing. Especially when you are involved in ‘Practice and Play’, get and remain focused. One can really struggle with a distracted mind. Do not fall for this chaotic trap! It tends to morph into anger! Anything good come of that? Never!
Is there a prudent solution? Yes! 1) A Pre-Shot Routine, 2) Unconscious, Comfortable Execution (see ‘The 3 Cs – Confident, Comfortable & Consistent) and 3) A Post-Shot Routine so you know the. ‘Why?’ If you are aware of and dedicated to these aspects, you shall learn and enjoy progressively!
Golf is a ‘Life-Long Leisure and Learning Skill’.
How fortunate you are becoming proactive!