What a broad topic! Could write books on this subject. We only have about half a page or our readers will wander off or even fall asleep? Dedicated authors must avoid this outcome!
Golfers must constantly focus on improving ‘Mental, Mechanical and Equipment. Let us work on our ‘Mechanical Aspect’ at this juncture.
Our strike options are ‘Straight’ (Pull or Push). This is generally a matter of ‘Clubhead Path’. It can be Inside-Out, Square or Straight on the Target Line or Outside-In.
‘Plane’ is also a very common ‘Ball Flight’ contributing factor. We can strike and launch our ball ‘Above, On and Below Plane’. The ‘Above’ tends to produce ‘Pull’.
Our second option is ‘Curving or Crooked’ as in Fade-Slice and Draw-Hook. As you know, Fade-Slice involves an ‘Open Clubface Aim at the Moment of Separation. The sibling Ball Flight understandably involves a ‘Closed Clubface Aim through the Impact & Separation Zone’.
The Fade-Slice means the Heel Passes The Toe of the Clubhead. (gets to the ball first). The Draw-Hook involves the Toe Passing The Heel. As we have presented, this ‘Shaping Ball Flight’ is a race between ‘Clubhead Components’. (see ‘Heel & Toe’)
These are so far all ‘Direction Items’. Let us not neglect ‘Distance’. If we are short of expectations, we need more applied ‘Clubhead Speed’. How might one accomplish making this more efficiently? Quite simply by ‘Hitting The Sweet Spot More Purely’ (see ‘Center Of Mass’). The other distance ingredient is ‘Physical Fitness’. Get up off the ‘Dead Butt Couch’ and do some physical work! Internet searching ‘Golf Physical Fitness’ is a good place to start.
Best wishes on your ‘Linksey Journey’!