If you accomplish ‘Impact & Separation Zone Balanced Lateral and Lag Mechanics’, your ‘Divots shall be primarily ‘Dead On Line’. A little ‘Sway’ in the Back & Up Swing and ‘Slide’ in the Down & Out Swing can be beneficial ‘Energy Delivery Actions’ if properly executed.
Think about ‘Clubhead and Hand Path Being On-Line’, delivering a properly-adjusted ‘Grip’. Clubface Aim is the #1 ‘Alignment in the game of golf! ‘Shoulder Axis’ is a close second ‘Set-Up’ priority! If you have ‘Ball Flight Action’ challenges, look here first and second!
You must strive to be ‘Down, Out, Forward & Through’ (DOFT) in the ‘Pre-Impact, Chase Follow & Finish Phase’. (see ‘Swing Sequence #7, #8, #9 and #10) The ‘Out Element’ means a divot that goes slightly to the ‘Low Energy Side Of The Target Line’.
‘Brace Lever Extensor Action’ (BLEA) is a key ingredient in this proficient ‘Ball Striking Game’. An athletic ‘Impact Fix Knee Flex’ is important. If you find yourself straightening your Target Knee Flex in the ‘Pre-Impact and Impact Segment’, you shall be moving your ‘Core Mass Aft’. That tends to be quite decelerating and counter-productive.
“There Is No Up Moment In The Impact & Separation Zone’. Your Clubhead Loft creates the ‘Trajectory’ and not any specific dedicated ‘Target or Brace Hand Action’.
Sound and dependable ‘Lever Extension’ (BOSA) means that you have ‘Stayed With The Shot’ and did not ‘Flip-Hand Delivery’ out of it! Well done!
‘Ocular Acuity’ is massively important! Why do we play golf in the day-time? Good question that deserves a considered answer!