
Game Improvement

Game Improvement

What a broad topic! Could write books on this subject. We only have about half a page or our readers will wander off or even fall asleep? Dedicated authors must avoid this outcome! Golfers must constantly focus on improving ‘Mental, Mechanical and Equipment. Let us...

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The Railway Track

The Railway Track

Adverse Spin Rates Are Chronic ‘Ball Flight Shape’ is no accidental circumstance or event. It is advantageous for our Driver to get the ball up into the air substantially. Properly done, this ‘Controlled Collision’ produces ‘Height and Distance’. (see ‘Trajectory and...

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Magical Mystery

Magical Mystery

Can we blame the golf club manufacturers for presenting ‘Hype and Hyperbole’? Of course not! It is a legitimate marketing way of life. We were pushed into the ‘Hybrid Battleground’. Useful and truthful? You shall have your own experience and opinion. The ‘Hybrid...

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The Perfect Dance Floor

The Perfect Dance Floor

Zero Break or Fall Line Drill We can all use a liberal dose of ‘Get Lucky Golf’ but this is more of a spontaneous ‘Gift’ from the golf gods that someone can hope for but not rely upon or demand. If you have had a ‘Hole In One’ you will know that we plan on many and...

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Reliable, Repeatable & Trusted

Reliable, Repeatable & Trusted

Confident, Comfortable & Consistent Effectively winning golf demands ‘Mental & Mechanical’ precision if you are to maximize performance and pleasure. The Great Game is not a laxidazical journey! Effective tutelage can occasionally be more about “Kicking A _ _...

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Chunking Chip Shots

Chunking Chip Shots

It is this ‘Country Gentleman Golf Teachers’ learned opinion that enables this conversation. A ‘Lifelong Journey’ of small discovery trips! ‘Set-Up and Execution Stability’ never go out of style. Our ‘555 Golf System’ is bed-rocked on our ‘5 SET-UPS’ (Posture, Grip,...

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Complete Golf Myth Collection


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