
Ball Flight Control

Ball Flight Control

Let us see if we can shed some intelligent and logical light on this titled subject. Ball Flight is simply about ‘Compression and Line Of Compression’. If one sets up perfectly on his or her ‘Railway Tracks’ (see ‘The 5 Set-Ups - ALIGNMENT’) and makes a perfect...

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Thought Stimulation

Thought Stimulation

A high-backed chair at the ‘555 Academy Round Table’ affords opportunity, accomplishment and entertainment. The following is a simple list of topics that might ‘Stimulate Thought Provocation and Activity?’ Your ‘Certified Teaching Team’ has answers when needed!...

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Alternative to Ground Sticks

Alternative to Ground Sticks

Couple of early thoughts? Do not practise without a ‘Ground Stick’ to indicate ‘Target Line or Initial Ball Flight Line’. This simple device helps us orient to linear performance. Golf loves this approach to ‘Ball Control’. When this endless or constant need arises...

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Baseline Thoughts

Baseline Thoughts

‘Mastering Golf Basics’ never goes ‘Out Of Fashion’. This very important ‘Putting & Chipping Stage One Procedure’ (No Wrist Cock and No Pivot) is the foundation of your entire golf bag, Putter to Driver. (see ‘555 Progressive Golf’) The first 8 to 12 inches of...

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Your Perfect Golf Swing

Your Perfect Golf Swing

Is ‘Iron Byron (the infamous club testing machine) capable of ‘A Perfect Repeating Golf Swing’? Perhaps momentarily or occasionally? Perhaps not? The ‘Human Golfing Machine’ might flirt with perfection, but it is very likely to be a matter of the swinger’s personal...

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Golf Academy Goal

Golf Academy Goal

Become Your Own Coach To accomplish this feat, one must have a foundation such as our ‘555 Mastering Golf Basics’. (MGB) Pretending and ‘Wishing & Hoping’ will not provide solutions … just more aggravation and discomfort! Golf success demands a reasonable...

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