All our global ‘555 Round Table Family’ likely knows what the ‘Rapid Fire Drill’ is? Firstly, it is NOT too rapid … just fluid and repetitive. Warm up before you go to work with this drill! Set-up for a very normal #8 Iron strike. A couple inches farther away from your feet (Stance Sternal Pivot Center), set up another golf ball. Add six more for a total of 8 in the line.
You can come to a stop between the balls but, once you are in the groove, say your ‘Trigger Words’ (“Sweep & See It”) making a solid strike with your “See It” words. Total drill duration will be about 20 to 35 seconds. You will ‘Step In’ at each ‘Top Of Front Swing’ with your ‘Off-Loaded Brace Foot. Learn this sequence in ‘Slow Motion’ first.
To add a little ‘Ocular Acuity’ nutrition, set up 8 more golf balls, not in a line, but in random location is what will be about a ‘3 Foot Circle’.
Each time you hit a ball, when you are at the Top Of Your Front Swing (TOF – Released), step and extend to the next closest ball and repeat the process until they are all gone. Remember this is not ‘Fast’ but ‘Consistent and Preductable’.
Add a little wrinkle or dimension? When the grounds crew is ‘Picking The Range’, arrange for you to go out to the fringe and hit every ‘Rough Ball’ with a ‘Less Than Full Swing’ wedge or #8 Iron back into the body of the range where it can be picked. These shots might only be 20 to 50 yards. Define your yardage and ‘Body Clocking Swing Length’. Be particular! We often refer to this as ‘The Hit & Walk Drill’.
A hint? This really great activity is very much about ‘Ocular Acuity’ and ‘Athletic Breathing’. The more efficiently you can perform these two aspects, the happier you shall become!
We also call this second activity, ‘Cleaning Up The Light Rough’.
You will really improve while having FUN!