If you accomplish a regular or Slow-Motion Sweeping, Turn & Lift, Back & Up to the Top Of Back Swing (TOB – Swing Sequence #5) Your ‘Lever Assemblies shall cooperate and help make this TOB happen smoothly and rhythmically ‘On Path and On Plane’.
As you Load Coil to the Brace Side, your Brace Rear Pocket shall rotate back and up. The feel and mechanics is a ‘Sit Down Motion’ when at TOB. Picture this? If you wind up a sturdy elastic band does it get longer or shorter? Correct! Shorter! Hence ‘The Sit Down’ analogy!
Your once ‘Plumb Spinal Column, will have usually become ‘Aft-Tilted’ especially with long-shafted sticks! (see ‘A Little Out Of Plumb’)
Golf enjoys ‘Mirror Images’ and reciprocation. Thus, with a properly executed ‘Front Swing’, through the ‘Impact & Separation Zone, your ‘Target Wallet Pocket’ will reflex back and up. Your 555 Team refers to this as ‘The Stand-Up Move’. One shall end up quite vertically atop of a straight Target Thigh. (Femur)
Your Brace Foot will be up on its toe. This is indication (proof) that your ‘Pivot Coil’ has off-loaded. (do your ‘Toe Tap-Tap-Tap Drill’ to prove the mechanical truth)
So, you now know about Golf’s ‘Sit-Down’ and ‘Stand-Up’ moves or configuration.
Keep expanding your knowledge.
Well done!