There are numerous comments or phrases pertaining to your head position during the swing. One your ‘555 Team’ classifies as a ‘NO NO TERM’ is that we should ‘Keep Our Head Down’. This spinal ‘Kyphosis’ inhibits free and full spinal rotation or ‘Pivot Action’ as well as ‘Core Speed’. It is this golf teacher’s opinion that attempting to stop or eliminate this ‘Neck & Head Rotation’ can invite ‘Cervical Soft and Hard Tissue Injury’. (see ‘STI – Soft Tissue Injury’) You should regularly work on ‘Range Of Motion Exercises’ before and after your practice session or round.
It is useful to keep your ‘Dominant Eye’ focused on the ‘Bottom Inside Cheek Of The Golf Ball’. (see ‘BIC’) This will tolerably and safely control ‘Upper Spinal Rotation’. (see ‘Thoracic and Cervical Vertebrae’).
From The Top Down, we ‘Accumulate, Load and Store Potential Energy’. Then, reflexively, we, From The Ground Up, Deliver & Release’ this ‘Potential Energy into its ‘Kinetic Form’. The results is ‘Clubhead Speed’. (see ‘ALSDR’)
If we deliberately and consciously restrict this ‘Neck and Head’ rotation, we unavoidably reduce our ‘Rotational Range Of Motion’ as well as, subsequently our ‘Clubhead Speed and Control’.
To invite full and free ‘Upper Core Rotational Activity’, keep your Chin and Chest feeling ‘Up’ and not ‘Down’.
Your ‘555 Team refers to this a ‘Creating Space Between our Pelvis (Hips) and Sternum’. You do NOT want roundness, but more of a ‘Pushed Up and Elongated Sensation’.
There is a lot of ‘Back & Up and Down & Out Mechanical’ going on in a Bi-Directional Driver Strike. Keep the above in mind and make this advice a part of your success?
Best Of Luck!
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