How many of us have dumped a ‘Small Bucket Of Bullets’ on the driving range grass and hit all of them too quickly without ‘Plan or Purpose’? There will usually be about 50 balls in a small to medium bucket. That being the case, you will have ‘10 Reps Of 5’ at your feet.
Is this ever genuinely efficient practice? Sorry but your ‘555 Team’ refers to this as “Golf Masterbation”. Not much purpose … certainly not honing ‘Playing Skills and Mentality’!
How often do we get ‘Mulligans In Play’? Seldom if at all, right? The one that’s done counts!
With a ‘Rep Of 5’ the first ball (properly Set-Up) is a kill shot opportunity. The first is the real competitive moment. Ultimately you must aspire and strive to ‘Hole The First’. The next 4 are really just ‘Mulligan Mechanical Activity’ … one’s random burning fuel or expending energy?
‘Tangible Competitive Development’ with the greatest Return On Investment (ROI) might be properly, with dedication, making the ‘Approach, then a healthy Chip and finally One Putt’. Can you accomplish this on a driving range? Yes! Strike a solid ‘Approach Wedge’ to your established distance. (see ‘CAD’ – Calibrated Average Distance’) Walk to the Chipping Green and hit your ‘12 Inch Landing Circle’ followed by a perfectly, confidently executed ‘One Putt’.
We must condition ourselves to get into the ‘Playing Mentality’ and not into a less productive and laborious ‘Practice Mentality’. When you are working on your ‘Putting’, evaluate and finish them off! One must glean comfort from battle! No ‘Gimmies’ during your ‘Practice Session’
Always strive to ‘Get And Keep IT Real’!
Behaviour is seldom innate (born with) but is most often a learned asset. You have to earn it!